How much does it cost?
Current MRP is Rs.30 (500 ML) we do give a discount for certain areas depending on the distance. Please contact us to find out the rate for your location.
Is there any service/delivery charge?
NO, we do not charge service/delivery charge
Should I pay any advance?
Usually, there is no advance, we working on prepaid wallet system you need to buy credit in advance.
How can I recharge? / What are the different modes of payment
You can recharge through online on our website and also on the app. You can also recharge in our outlets and We don't accept cash but if there is no way you can recharge or please contact us, we will definitely arrange for an option.
What is the minimum recharge?
Our minimum recharge pack starts from Rs.500
How my product charges will be detected?
On successful delivery of the product, your wallet balance will be detected.
How much NM wallet should I maintain?
We strongly recommend you to maintain a minimum 10 days of the product value you purchase on the nm wallet. If your nm wallet balance is less than the value of tomorrow delivery product value. Your products won’t be delivered the next day.
Where do you currently supply milk?
We currently deliver milk to Kanchipuram, Chennai, Coimbatore in Specific areas, Kindly check our website or contact us to know about supply in your area. You can also get the products in some stores (they buy products from us and sell).
How can I get this milk delivered into my apartment/area?
Please contact our customer service. We will work with you and plan to have milk delivered to your community.
How is the quality of the milk?
All our dairy products are made from Fresh whole milk, no fat separation. Tests are done on an everyday basis.
How do you make sure milk is hygienic?
Our milking cows are bathed regularly and their udders are washed with warm water and wiped before milking. We also make sure that the milk is not transferred into multiple storage containers to avoid contamination. We also thoroughly wash and sterilize our milk containers using an industrial dishwashing machine.
How long does the milk last?
It lasts for 7 days when it is raw and is kept at 2-4 degrees Celsius inside the fridge. But, we request you to always boil it on the same day you receive it. When you boil it, you are eliminating the bacteria that makes milk go bad. So, it makes the milk last longer.
Is it 100 % organic?
All our cows are naturally grazed, but for some nutrition benefit we also give Maize, COFS29 grass, Hedge Lucerne, Napier grass, Paddy Straw, Raagi Straw, etc. grown naturally without the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides. But not on all the instance. So we cannot say its 100 % organic.
Why Pasteurized milk?
Raw milk is not safe to drink, pasteurization is nothing but heating the milk and cooling the milk immediately so it will destroy all unwanted enzymes in the milk.
Why homogenization milk used on the curd?
We use homogenized whole milk to produce curd. We do this because to make the fat dissolve on the curd, which makes the curd tastier on every single potion
How the milk is packaged?
We pack milk in the food grade pouches.
Our Cows
Our cows are free range cows in a natural environment also fed with all essential nutrition for their health and also to get healthy and tasty milk.
Any antibiotics
Strictly No …as we said all our cows are free from antibiotics, in some worst case if the animal is sick we try our level to avoid any medicines if doctor insist to take any minor antibiotic we forced to take care of the cows also we don’t take milk from that cow for a period of time as doctor suggest to us.
why from farmers
We like to buy the milk from the farmers near our place, we know each and every farmer who supplies milk to us. Even we helping them to buy a cow and assisting them in raising and feeding all the cows with nutrition-rich food to get quality milk. We dedicatedly having a team to teach farmers in the advantage of giving various fodders to the cows and introducing new farming and dairy techniques. We also pay more attention to farmer’s wellbeing and to make their life standard well. We also got the team to advice farmers on doing agriculture on organic method, which makes our next generation to have unadulterated food. We like to form a community to help farmers on getting more yield on their farming and to make more profit by selling the product direly to the consumers.
Is it a coupon system or subscription based - how does it work?
It's a subscription service. (Wallet system) Load money in your wallet, wallet balance will be detected on successful delivery every day.
We deliver milk to your doorstep before 8 in the morning
How I will be notified.
You will be notified on your mobile app about the successful delivery
Do you use third-party milk delivery system to deliver milk?
Yes, we have signed up with professional channel partners in certain areas. They manage your milk subscription, payments, customer support, etc.
Milk or other product not Delivered Today.
Kindly make sure you got enough credit in your wallet. If you got enough credit but product not delivered, we are really sorry for the inconvenience, but kindly contact the customer care or check with your area manager for the assistance. He will definitely help you and try to avoid the problem in future.
How do I temporarily stop milk delivery if I am traveling or going on a vacation?
You can manage your subscription by login in on the mobile app or from the website. You can do it before the cut-off time or call our customer care to pause or stop our service.
Can I increase or decrease the quantity of milk anytime?
Yes, anytime according to your needs. But kindly do it before the cut-off time or kindly check with the support team for the availability.
Can you deliver milk in bulk for family occasions?
Yes. There is no maximum limit. Please let us know a week in advance.
Can I cancel my subscription?
Yes, any time as you wish, but if you want your NM balance to be refunded. Kindly contact our support team.